Atoll is a software development company

We were born to develop software. CRM, insurance and banking frontend, election management system – you name it.

Design architectures with SAMU

Use our SAMU tool to visualize your enterprise architecture and design transformation projects collaboratively.

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SAMU Enterprise Architecture tool

Atoll is a leading enterprise architecture skills and tools house. Use our SAMU modelling software to visualize your enterprise architecture and design transformation projects collaboratively.

Bespoke software development

We were born to develop software. CRM, insurance and banking frontend, election management system – you name it.

Meet our clients

When looking for an IT solution for a business initiative you need IT people with technical excellence who also understand your business. That’s exactly what Atoll has given us for many years and in many projects.

Imre Fónai

Head of Direct Sale, K&H Insurance


Termékfejlesztési mérnök / elemző kerestetik!

Termékfejlesztési mérnök / elemző kerestetik!

Cégünk, az Atoll Technologies Zrt. egy teljes egészében magyar tulajdonú, 20+ év fejlesztési tapasztalattal rendelkező informatikai vállalkozás. Banki, informatikai és biztonságtechnikai megoldásokhoz nyújtunk fejlesztői szolgáltatást a hazai és nemzetközi piacon....