Architecture design framework for planning new solutions

Practical everyday EAM established with architecture guidelines. SAMU implemented with an emphasis on planning and tracking corporate initiatives that change the architecture. Hungarian Post, 2014.

Each new application proposed goes through a standard architecture validation procedure. This reduces risks and offers the possibility to look for overall architecture consolidation and rationalization opportunities in each project.

Gábor Károlyi

IT business adviser, Hungarian Post

The Challenge

The Hungarian Post is a large public organization with an increasingly service-oriented approach. In order to support various initiatives, the need emerged for central enterprise architecture management that is practical enough to be executed on a daily basis. The toolset required to support that was also to be supplied.

The Solution

A complete architecture governance practice was designed around collaborative architecture processes. The appropriate architecture organization and roles were defined. We created an architecture repository and an initial data load was performed using various existing sources. We also built different architecture design templates in the system, which help the integrated planning of different initiatives across the company.

New solutions evaluated with respect to business needs and architecture guidelines

Central architecture repository

A single repository encompassing the entire architecture of Hungarian Post on all layers.


Practical design templates for architecture planning

Architecture design templates were standardized to enable solution planning by severity.

Solution evaluation according to EA guidelines

Methodology and guidelines created to evaluate solutions before selection.

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